Please can you contact @Maddalena_Robinson about her course:
I have set up this Forum and wonder if you could draw her attention to my request to support it.
Thanks DW7
Please can you contact @Maddalena_Robinson about her course:
I have set up this Forum and wonder if you could draw her attention to my request to support it.
Thanks DW7
Hi @MemriseSupport, Please could you turn off typing , it’s too difficult with long phrases. Thanks.
(Sadly Contributors can’t do that.)
Hi @DW7, as it looks like you’re the only one learning this course I’ve turned off typing. You’ve also now been added as a contributor.
Yes I am the only one learning it - a bit of a shame.
Thanks for adding me @MemriseSupport ,and turning off typing.
As always I will be respectful to the creator’s course and just enhance it a little.
I’ll update the [Course Forum] thread.
Please could you consider adding me to this course as well?
And turn off typing as well. Thanks.
I have also created a [Course Forum] for it.
Despite @Maddalena_Robinson’s name being highlighted above, she isn’t actually present on the Forum.
Strangely it wasn’t highlighted when I made the first post.
Seems like a quirk of the system.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Completed levels sometimes show as uncompleted on the App
This has been done