Sometimes I mistype a word repeatedly during a test session or just don’t feel like typing it again after getting it wrong. In the past, when a word or phrase was mistyped more than a couple of times, it would go away and then come back again in a subsequent test. Now, however, one is unable to progress to another level unless the word is typed correctly. It’s really annoying. I am now ignoring words rather than having to type them again. That is neither fun nor conducive to learning. Sometimes I wonder whether Memrise has a team of sadists on board who come up with these ways to annoy their users. ???
I actually like the new change, imo it makes it easier to progress if you get something wrong. Also, if you’re doing a course with many words/phrases within a single level, you used to have to ensure that you never get anything wrong or finish the level entirely or else it would leave half learned words that can’t even be reviewed, this change fixed that issue.
However, I think memrise should give us options and let us choose how we want things. Everyone gets their way in that case.
Pretty much this.
If there’s to be a change that affects the way we learn, it would be great to at least have an option, or at least some warning before it happens.
Actually, I like how with this new update, during learning, you don’t get words pushed to the next session when you get something wrong (especially by accident).
However, like I said in another thread, I dislike the new review strategy because I don’t get to drill the spelling of the problem words that I get wrong repeatedly.
No, they could still be reviewed. It would leave them for another round. And yes, you’re right that Memrise should give options. I utterly hate this change.
I’m wondering if this is an intentional change to require users to buy the Pro version in order to review difficult words.
Of course, like always, it would be helpful to hear from Memrise staff. Because while I respect a business’s rights to monetize, a total lack of communication, organizational chaos, not knowing whether this is a bug or a feature, etc, wouldn’t lead to me purchasing any services from a company.
Haha, you may be right. I had not thought about that.
I have been using Memrise rather consistently for over 2 years now, and, it’s quite sad to say this, but I’ve never once been anywhere close to tempted to buy Pro.
The way things are handled by staff when some incident happens always leaves a lot to be desired.
I’m holding out with this for a while more, but I think I’ll be switching to Anki soon. (Even though it means I have to build the decks myself, which was why I started using Memrise in the first place.)
I tried to buy Pro once, but I got a message that I would have to change my Paypal settings, and I didn’t feel like bothering…