Please can you contact Christof_ re his two flag courses

Please could you contact ► Christof_◄ about his two Flag courses I’ve been learning as I’d like to become a Contributor to them.

I’ll set up a Course Forum ► here ◄.

Thanks DW7

Cc @ale_c

Hi @DW7, sorry for the slow response. We have now contacted this creator to review your request and will report back within 7 days.


Good morning @DW7, you have now been added as contributor to this course.


Many thanks @MemriseSupport, as always I will be respectful and supportive with it.

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Hi @MemriseSupport,

There are two very similar courses and you have not made me a contributor to this one:

2014 Flags of Europe - by Christof_ - Memrise

Apologies @DW7, that’s now done.