Pictures, links and videos on Multimedia-Level: How can I make it?

I’m creating a course right now and I’d like to add something on an Multimedia Level:

  • pictures (png, jpg) - I’d like to see only the pictures
  • links to websites - I’d like to see only the link; better: only the title of the link
  • links to videos - I’d like to see the first frame of the video and if I click on it, the video should start

What have I to type and in wich order?

Thanks for help :slightly_smiling_face:

If you hover the multimedia editing panel a tab explaining how to do it may appear


For the pictures you have to save them on a site that gives you permalinks for the picture (such as imgur), if you are getting it from another site you can just right-click the image and then click on “copy image address” to get the link for it

For website links there is no way to do what you want (as far as I know at least), so you have to just copy and paste it normally, it won’t create a link, but the users can always copy and paste it on the browser if they are interested

For videos, I think only YouTube is supported, just do as the tip says and it should work fine

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Thank you very much vor your help. Here is the result :slightly_smiling_face:: Ungarisch = Spaß, Audios & Videos
The course isn’t finished yet. :wink:

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Looks really nice! I will certainly use it if I start learning Hungarian :slight_smile:

Great to see someone using multimedia levels, most courses don’t have them even though they are really useful for explanations and special details, it would be really nice if Memrise added more features to it and let they also appear on the mobile app, maybe in that next plataform they are making…

I would like to add something, take care with the character limit, I was making a multimedia level once, and it got a little too long, when I saved it and saw the results a lot of what I wrote was deleted, I thought it was a bug, but after testing a little I realized there was actually a character limit, about 4000 or so

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I would like to add something, take care with the character limit, I was making a multimedia level once, and it got a little too long, when I saved it and saw the results a lot of what I wrote was deleted, I thought it was a bug, but after testing a little I realized there was actually a character limit, about 4000 or so

Thank you for advice.
Do you think it’s a character limit per course or per user?

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You can still create other multimedia levels to add the rest of the information if the one you were using arrived the character limit, so I don’t think it has anything to do with the user nor the course, just a normal character amount restriction per level.

I’ve just made some tests and the exact limit is 3928 characters per level.

Thank you for your information. It helped a lot. :slightly_smiling_face:

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