Permanent 5 day break in streak even though I have used Memrise for the past 44 days

For a while now an incorrect break in my streak has been following me at the 5 day mark. It actually floats. Today it’s showing as having taken place on Friday June, 23. But yesterday it showed as Thursday June 22nd. And the day before that it was Wednesday the 21st. Can this be fixed? As you can see from the image I have both a 32 goal streak and only a 5 day Memrise use streak. This is logically impossible.

There are some quirks with the 365-day learning history chart and its streak as compared to the individual course streaks.

1 - Unless you have GMT set as your local time zone on Memrise, they use different time zones. The 365-day chart uses GMT. This means that you can maintain a streak in an individual course, but lose the streak in your history chart if you work in the morning on Monday and late at night on Tuesday, and you happen to miss the 24-hour period that was Tuesday in GMT.

2 - Yep, when you have your local time zone set to somewhere in the Americas or Asia/Australia, the hover-over date in the chart isn’t always correct. For example, right at this moment, if I set my computer clock to American Samoa, the last square on my chart says June 29. If I set my computer clock to any other time zone, the last square says June 30. (This test will be a lot more fun in 8-16 hours when 1/3 to 1/2 of the time zones will make the chart show the wrong date…)

As I understand it from reading the forums, problem #1 is intentional. I would call problem #2 a bug, though.