Order of database

This has been well talked about if I’m not mistaken. It started happening say about a month ago, coinciding with the major database problem when searches stopped working.

Username: ChiewPang
O/S: Windows 7
Course: Grupo Siscocan principiantes - by Manuelsisco - Memrise
In the good old days, new entries always appear at the end of the database. Why is this important? Take this scenario:
The course is a joint-class effort. Students add words as they go along. The teacher needs to see what the new additions are. In this course, for example, I also need to add the audio and the phonetic transcript.
Imagine my headache now!

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The worst problem is really to add audio afterwards. Hope it will be fixed soon!

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When one creates a new course and has added a certain amount of entries in the database (sometimes according to theme) and one creates levels afterwards, the database will jumble the words up in a new and random order and one ends up with levels that do not corrrespond to the original order of the entries added in the database.

So if I want to create levels of say 15 words each, the only workaround is to introduce 15 words in the database, create a level, and continue adding words in next levels. One is no longer able to rely on the database which is a big setback in my opinion.

There are numerous other issues resulting from this “database bug” that people have commented on so I hope we can get a fix on this.