The course “Named organic” developed by Mr.Tallon and batsteve probably represents the most dynamic way to facilitate the tedious work of memorising named reactions to college students.
Despite the wide range of reactions covered, I missed some important general reactions. I strongly suggest the authors add these reactions in order to improve this course and make it even more challenging and educative. (I know the list is quite long but it will be worth it)
- Adkins-Peterson reaction
- Akabori amino acid reactions
- Alkyne trimerisation
- Alkyne zipper reaction
- Angeli-Rimini reaction
- Andrussow process
- Bamberger rearrangement
- Barton reaction
- Barton-Kellogg reaction
- Béchamp reduction
- Benary reaction
- Bergman cyclisation
- Blaise reaction
- Boudroux reaction
- Boudroux-Chichibabin aldehyde synthesis
- Boord olefin synthesis
- Büchner ring expansion
- Carrol rearrangement
- Catellani reaction
- Chichibabin pyridine synthesis
- Chugaev elimination
- Mozingo reduction
- Darzens reaction
- Doering-LaFlame allene synthesis
- Duff reaction
- Étard reaction
- Glycol cleavage (or Malaprade reaction)
- Haller-Bauer reaction
- Jones oxidation
- Kornblum oxidation (or Sommelet reaction)
- Leuckart reaction
- Nierestein reaction
- Olah reagent
- Prévost reaction
- Ramberg-Bäcklund reaction
- Seyferth-Gilbert homologation
P.D. I would like to note a little mistake in the “Meewein Ponndorf Verley reaction”; The response needs an additional “N” to “ponNdorf”.