I had created a course. I then made lots of changes to it. However, when I now use it, it still has the learning history of the old version of the course, which can be quite annoying, because it will contain double correct answers for instance. Is there anyway to erase my learning history?
If you want to start the course over from the beginning, go to the course page, look for “Options” above the list of levels, click it, and then select Restart.
If you don’t want to restart the entire course, you can click on a specific level, click options, and select restart.
this being the issue of “phantom/deleted items still in the database”… is not the learning history, is the huge belly of the monster called internet never forgetting things … joking … look in the forum after “old entries”, “deleted entries still appearing”, “database”, “phantom” etc… it is a very old bug; the team does not really know yet how to solve it…
Thanks! I am going to try to restart the course!
Nope. Old stuff still showing up. If there´s no solution, I´m guess I´m going to delete the course and recreate it. Annoying with 300+ words.
Not sure we are talking about the same thing. If you have amended your course and you use your app to review it and the old version is not up to date with your amendments, I did fix it by logging out and logging in again.
@wembar, I think you’ve confused people by talking about your “learning history”. Learning history means, what words have you personally learned? Which ones have you gotten right or wrong on reviews? When is your next review scheduled for each word.
If you’re actually asking about erasing your learning history in a course, as the title of your post says, then restarting the course is indeed how you do it.
But the body of your post doesn’t seem to be talking about learning history at all. You seem to be talking about old items in the course database, which you have deleted, still being used by memrise to show multiple choice options in multiple choice reviews. If that is what you mean, then:
a) Please clarify exactly what you’re talking about, by telling us that you really mean that - items you’ve deleted from the course database are showing up as options in multiple choice review.
b) Edit the title of this post so it no longer confuses people by talking about erasing learning history, if indeed it has nothing to do with learning history.
Or, maybe you actually meant some third thing? Maybe your post is not about learning history nor about items deleted from the database showing up as options in multiple choice review. In that case, please explain more clearly what you are posting about?
I changed the title.
I’m sorry if I was confusing people. The reason was that I myself didn’t understand why those items kept showing up.
I thought that it might have to do with my own learning history and that the words from the old course where mixed with the words from the new course. But as I understand now, it’s a more complex bug where deleted items are apparently still showing up in the new course.
If you have any programming experience, my script here will fix this issue for you. https://github.com/DrewSSP/delete_phantom_answers
Without programming experience it’s still possible to use the script but you will feel lost as you follow the instructions.
I actually do have programming experience, so thanks so much for that!
Great! Let me know if that works out for you. If you have any thoughts on improving the script as well, I’m all ears.