Official Memrise Subreddit?

Honestly, I’m not too sure whether or not this has been done already, but does anyone else think memrise should have an official Reddit page? It would probably help bring more users to the site and by extension, the forums.

  • Yay!
  • Nay!

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A Subrebbit would be good. but who would monitor it @TobyDoodler? Maybe a group of volunteers? (I wouldnt mind being one :slight_smile:) @Lien, I think that this would benefit Memrise as it could bring more users to Memrise and be helpful for existing users so could you consider this. However, it could have a problem of not many volunteering but it is a good idea
Can you consider @TobyDoodler 's idea

Speak soon, ML

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Im going to invite more people so we can have a view on the users and not just the Administrators

Hopefully the users will like the idea :smiley:

It would honestly depend on interest, but I can’t help but think a Memrise Reddit page would just end up being a support screen for a barrage of courses, whilst here on the forums at least everything is categorised. Hi, by the way.

…and you don’t want to dilute the forums more than they already are.


Its only a suggestion @Fenxy. It doesnt NEED to happen…

@MarshallLanguages …okay? I’m just expressing my opinion on the other side so people can weigh up the options. I’m not sure what the problem is.

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Nothings a problem… Im just saying its a suggestion

Yeah, but I guarantee Reddit is used by a lot more people.

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That’s fair, but there’s already /r/memrise, which has 2.9k subscribers.


Hmmmm. Is it even official?

I think it’s just a community page, but if you made a separate one people would probably end up getting confused and going to /r/memrise anyway.

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True… @Fenxy

wow. really?

Here is an explanation.