[Off-topic comments from] Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Anyway, it looks like you can still currently view other mems on the desktop site and they should still show up once selected on the mobile app. Seems like an unnecessary work around though.

really? I don’t see any (other than those selected previously)


Sorry my mistake, it looks like I’m using a previous version.

Curiously enough, I still don’t see the update in question for memrise app. April 19 version is shown in my google appstore as the newest. (most probably it is just hope against hope though).

The application is likely just a web-view, so there is no update to the application required.

I don’t think so. Besides, I still can see shared mems as before in my app, while the web version is already empty.
upd. maybe i am wrong, looks like it is webview

Interesting, in my app all mems are already gone… :frowning:

what is your version number and update time?

I have version 2.9_3924_memrise, updated on 19 Apr 2017

Weird, I have the same but shared mems are still there on both my devices (probably not for long).

Mems that you have chosen in the past will stay until you un-choose them. Also, new mems chosen from the Memrise members will also be visible; which might be the ones that you are seeing. Potentially, if you are using offline learning, they are simply still stored on your device; which would be nice :wink:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

I’m leaving this open for the time being to allow people to complain about the split or to continue an off-topic discussion.

Remember the main thread is here:

No complaints from me.

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Fortunately there was no space on my phone so it didn’t update and now I’ve turned updates off. Carrie Fisher audiobook saved the day!


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