No translation

i’m stuck, i can’ go forward because in one course there is no translation.
Course: 1300 popularnych fraz
Level: 45 - 441-450
Problem shown in pictures…
Can anyone fix it?

The best you can do right now, is ignore the word.
But if you provide a link to the course and tag its creator here, maybe the problem could be fixed later.

I skipped it, and I pressed next “planet” and some new words have the same so… I think course is uncompleted. This is the link:
I don’t know who is creator :frowning:

you can see the creators avatar and name in the upper right corner of the main page of a course Creator :slight_smile:

tagging means you put @ right before a username, like this @lewandowskijakubb

now in your first post tag the creator of that course and she will get an email with your suggestions

i have a similar problem