Well, I just purchased the paid version of Memrise. The only new active training model I got was Difficult Words. Speed Review is not available. I do know that Speed Review works on the web app and the main reason I purchased the iOS paid one was to get Speed Review.
I don’t have Listening Skills and Learn with Natives for my courses – maybe one day Memrise will make Tibetan versions for this.
Meanwhile, is this a bug? Missing feature (if so it should not even be shown), something else? This is most likely an issue, I assume with any course not created by Memrise or in general. So I would classify this as a P1 (severe) bug.
Speed Review is active on all our official Memrise-created courses. It will prompt words that you have previously learnt in the course in a playful, game-like way. Excitement guaranteed!
Please note: this mode is not available on community created courses on iOS.
Well, Speed reviews are available with all community generated courses on the web page,but not on the paid iOS app. Which is the problem. You pay and you get less features. Should be at least on pair – best if it’s the opposite.
I am using the web and I am also not able to get Speed Reviews. Couldn’t get it on A1 French yesterday. Can’t get it on learn Basic Spanish today. Looks like a bug
Is it possible to improve this inconvenience for iOS users?
It is not fair that functionality is done in Android users and iOS not. Memrise should inform that iOS app is poorer and not all important features working here.
Each time I remind this the answer is that it’s available for ‘paid courses from memrise’. By which I state it’s available on the web for customer created content and Android.
For me, as I pay for the iOS, it’s even more, how could I say, baffling, as web interface that is free has it.