On the iphone app i used to get typing tests and multiple choice. I would really prefer typing only tests, but it is what it is.
Within the same course i now only get multiple choice test though. Never any typing. Is this on purpose?
Iphone 11
Ios 15.1
Vocabulary, Kanji, and Useful Expressions from Genki I Second Edition. An IME is recommended for computer users. Audio included for most words.
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Oh, and i tried a fresh install of the app.
Now its: v2022.1.10.47150
Hi @ShibeWithBall , has this started happening from a particular level? I will check if the course creator has set it like this.
I have been only reviewing words the last couple of weeks on Memrise due focussing on kanji and grammer. So it does not seem like it started from a particular level, as i have not advanced.
It feels like typing went from about 33% to 0%