New to Memrise

I am new to memrise and I was wondering if there is anything I should know about this website before starting. If you have anything that you think I should know, please leave a comment below!


Welcome to Memrise! Nice to meet you! Here are a few tips I can give you:

-As great as Memrise is, don’t use it as your only resource to learn a language. Use it to supplement your learning.

-Be consist. Memrise operates on a spaced based repetition system, meaning the more you review, the more likely you are to remember. But that also means you have to be diligent about reviewing the material as well!

-Don’t be afraid to post to the forums if you have questions or suggestions!

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And what @XiaoCottonCloudy said, mostly.

Definitely use Memrise only supplementary. Myself, I find I learn new words a lot better on here, being forced to type them and presented them in this format, but if you want an overview of a subject you’ll need more resources (which, depending what you’re learning, could be quite varied).

But don’t over review unless you’re really struggling to remember. You run the risk of 1) driving yourself crazy and 2) not remembering things long term because you see them constantly (when we do this, our brains seem to assume we don’t need to remember because clearly we’ve got the info written down to look back on, lol; we discard information we don’t absolutely have to recall on demand).

Don’t fear the forums! They’re quiet but there’s always somebody to help, even if it might take a day or so to get your answer sometimes. If we can’t answer, someone’ll usually summon a mod to help (@MarshallLanguages’ favourite hobby : )

Try to make friends here. Chatting is learning too. Sort of. It’s good for your mood, anyway, and a good mood makes for good learning.

Good luck!

Thanks for the tips!

Hello there @11_kasia. Welcome to Memrise :slight_smile: . I’m MarshallLanguages, a Memrise veteran and forum leader. Please ask me, or any other leader/mod if you need help. The forum is a friendly place to share knowledge, or just chat. So don’t feel shy to give me a call if you need help! Or any other user. Just hit 7 million points today. If you want to check out my or @isharr’s profile for course inspiration. Here they are!