New sentence building bug

New web bug:

The answer is

Hace calor, y tengo calor."

Memrise is only providing one “calor”, two are required to build the sentence.

Course is Level 111 - Tener Calor - Spanish expressions (audio) - Memrise

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@BeaTrisy, could you please look into this? It sounds like a relatively serious bug.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our engineers are now aware of it and will be working towards a fix. I’ll keep this thread updates when a fix is out.

Happy learning


When trying to build the sentence

Ich denke, dass es der Typ auf der linken Seite war.

in level 9 of the German 6 course, there is always only one block for “der”, so the sentence cannot be built.

I just had this on a private course with only one ‘es’, instead of two, i tried to edit the course but nothing will stick/update.

@ashtonmv and @beegeedee, You may already know this, but if you want to turn off these types of tests until this bug is fixed, it should be possible to do that in your settings :slight_smile:

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I’m having exactly the same problem with Arabic, when the same word is required twice it isn’t giving me the option of using that word more than once. So I want to say قد تهبط درجة الحرارة إلى دون درجة التجمد
but it’s only showing one درجة (lit. means “the temperature can drop to below the temperature of freezing”). Is someone fixing this? It won’t let me move on to other words in my learning session, each time I get it wrong it shows the same sentence to me, I’m just stuck with it in a cycle… But I see someone has suggested ignoring for now, will do but I have lots of similarly-long sentences to learn so am left with little else for my learning session today!

Hi all

Thanks you all again for reporting this issue. Wanted to let you know that we just released a fix for it.

Sorry for that small bump, and happy learning.


I have same mistake - I created a course and exercise difficulties with “be as fit as a fiddle” - there are only one “as” in the section where I chose from words, so all I can chose is 'be as fit a fiddle", which is wrong.