New Learning Statistics

Hi. I would like to suggest some enhancements to the learning statistics section of the pro membership.

My Learning Style As a user i would like to see my tests by learning style (e.g. audio, visual, combined etc) so that i can better understand how i learn best.

My Test Scores ā€™ As a user i want to see my test scores over time. The scores should show the number of tests taken and the test scores including the overall average and whether my average is improving stable or declining. Test scores should be available for the last 100 tests.

Compare My Test Score As a user i would like to see how my tests compare to the average of all the other users who are studying my course. I would like to see the average number of tests completed and frequency of how often tests are repeated in the comparison.

Learning History Grid As a user i would like to see the average number of hours spent across my learning grid by calendar year. The data should include the average number of new words learnt per day during that period.

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I agree, Iā€™d really like to see a way to compare scores other than the generic leader board. :thinking:

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