New Czech course: Dative

Hi, I’ve created a course focused purely on dative in Czech. I’ll be adding more examples in the coming weeks, but hopefully many of you will find this useful already.

I’ll be doing similar courses for other cases too.



I was wondering, Instead of putting “plural” in brackets after the Czech answers, would you think of giving the English words as plural?

A good course and thank you for making it.

Hi, that’s a good point!!! :smiley: I will try and get round to changing it!! Not sure why I did that.

Glad you like the course. Will add to it and make similar for other cases.


Glad you are going to make other course relating to cases, they are really needed.


heh, not that I needed more courses to learn… but thanks for putting this together, much appreciated!:rofl:

on a side note - I love the book, great production values!

Dik moc! (Do you mean Truchlovy amoret prazsky?)

Samozřejmě, přesně tak! :grinning:

You bought the book? If so, many, many thanks. That is wonderful. Really appreciate that. :smiley:

(Also, needs more lessons added, but basics for genitive course now up )

heh, copy for me, copy for a Czech girl I’m after :rofl: (she seems to like it, too)

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Ha ha!!!

This makes me very happy!!! :smiley:

Are you based in Prague? Glad she likes it too!!!

no, both of us are based in London (will be in Prague in a month or so, though. yup, both of us :smirk:)

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Really appreciate. Plenty/most of the bookshops in the main centre of Prague have it stocked. But if you need any help, let me know.

And best of luck with the Czech girl you are after!! :wink: