My suggestions and ideas

Hi. I really like learning on Memrise. I would like to share some of my ideas which would make this site even better.

Android app should have widget showing words marked as “difficult”, Memrisers would be able to spend more time on repeating.
2. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Ability to add link to external sources (like Wikipedia) where you can find more about what you are learning.
Exercises where you need to complete sentence. It would make Memrise good site for learning grammar.
4. Instead of current hints, courses authors should be able to make hints that won’t just give answer, but will give suggestions for Memrisers.
5. There should be night mode and dark mode (for AMOLED screens.
I hope that I’ll be able to see this features on Memrise. Maybe soon I’ll add something more to this list. Sorry for my bad English and quality of this pictures.


Picture for forth suggestion.