My Suggestions after 6+ months


I made an initial post sometime in January and I think is a good time to make another since I have more data and I have almost completed the course.

I’m using other apps as well: Lingodeer, Duolingo

Books: French for Dummies (English and Spanish), Step by Step French and French Demistified. I have others still to read.

I work with two french natives (French and Quebec). Which I use for and questions and practice a bit.

I’m also watching Netflix and YouTube while using an app which at the moment I don’t recall the name but it allows you to add subtitles in two languages while watching the video plus other things.

I’m still very far from fluent but doing progress. I think fluency might take me one more year.

I think at the beginning (first 3 months) what helped me the most was this app. You feel you are getting right away into language but as of late I feel this one, its the one helping me the least at the moment.

The main issue I find is the lack of proper repetition. The repetition the app uses is based on the review word tool rather than adding those words in future lessons. Which I don’t like.

The second, you should allow us to download the audio and save it on our phones.

The third, I wish I could see the words being highlighted on the texts as the person on the video talks with color coding translation. This might be hard to do but we are in the year 2023.

That’s all.

Hello! I can only speak generally because my current interest is Mandarin Chinese, but as for your main issue, what I find helpful is flagging certain words that I recognize as being “difficult” for me (using the lightning-bolt button), so that they come up more often during reviews.

En vous souhaitant cordialement une excellente journée,
Kevin Fortin

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