My review doesn´t work

I´m studying Danish and today evening review of words in Danish courses stop working. When I press review,
it seems like review was accomplished and it is impossible to review any Danish course. Has anybody else this problem?
Thank you for response.


Hi Zuzana.
I’m having the same trouble with the review system for my Dutch courses as well.
I sent an E-mail to Memrise and I’m waiting for a response from them.
Best wishes,

Hi LittleBritain,

thank you for a rapid response. I thought I was the only one who registered this problem. It has happened this evening. During the day, everything works properly.
Thank you that you reported this problem to Memrise.
Have a nice evening,


That’s cool. Good luck with the Danish !

I have the same problem this morning when logging onto my Spanish courses. I’m not sure where I need to go to report this.