Multiples questions but only one answer?


I’ve an issue on something very simple. I’m currently making a course about Quotes from the greats of this world. The problem I have is that I cannot figure out how to have many questions linked to one answer. In example.

“Quote #1 blablabla” = Socrate
"Quote #2 blablabla" = Platon
"Quote #3 blablabla" = Socrate

This cause the course to bring 2 times the same answer “Socrate” into the list. And, of course, one of them will give me an error.

ie, Who said “Quote #3 blablabla”?
(1. Socrate) (2. Platon)
(3. Confucius) (4. Socrate)

Do you have any idea how to resolve this issue? Do you think I have made a mistake in the way I’ve organize this course?

Thank you very much

last year it was possible this way…
for example

if “tikker” is “goosberry” and “karusmari” is also “gooseberry”, I added both tikker and karusmari to the same gooseberry entry 2x (one had tikker first and karusmari as alternative answer and the other entry had tikker as alternative amd karusmari first). Only 1 gooseberry showed up in multiple choice.

Some months ago there were two gooseberries in MC tests and I don’t know if they have fixed it or not

Another option is to write something like this:

“Quote #1 blablabla” = Socrate (not Quote #3)
“Quote #2 blablabla” = Platon
"Quote #3 blablabla" = Socrate (not Quote #1)

Then your multiple choice will look like this:

Who said “Quote #3 blablabla”?

  1. Socrate (not Quote #3)
  2. Platon
  3. Confucius
  4. Socrate (not Quote #1)