Multiple Leaderboard

There seem to be multiple leaderboards, one from the main menu (button bottom middle) where I am the only person listed and another at the end of each day, accessible only after my goal progress is randomly shown (gold trophy top right).

Is this goal progress leaderboard just for the current course? I am in the top 10 for week and month, but way off the top for all-time and I will never get much further as I will soon complete the course.

Do many users endlessly continue with a course once it is complete? Their all-time scores are unbeatable.

Why am I the only one listed on the main menu leaderboard?

Why not just have one leaderboard?

Hi there - The reason there are so many different leaderboards is because they all show different things - so you can choose which one you want to pay attention to.

The leaderboard you see where you’re the only one on it is actually the most useful. That’s your total score across all courses, and if you follow other users they will show up on it too. I’m following 5 or 6 people that I want to track my progress against - you can add any of your real-life friends that use Memrise, or just choose a rival online who you know does the same courses as you.

The leaderboards you see with more people on - these show only one particular course. I can see these all the time on the website - though sorry I can’t tell you where they are on the app.

Even after you finish the course, items will keep coming up regularly for review, so you could keep on racking up points forever if you wanted. In practice, everyone decides eventually that it’s time to move on and leave the course, but I recommend you keep up with reviews for as long as possible to really cement the learning. I tend to ignore the all-time boards for the most part, but I like seeing myself on the weekly and monthly top tens.


Ironically, the leaderboard that you say is ‘most useful’ is actually totally useless if one is not ‘following’ anyone.

I do not particularly want to follow anyone, but the leaderboard would be far more useful to me if it just showed everyone when a user, such as myself, is not following anyone.

I now understand and accept the need for different leaderboards, one for the spefific course and one for all-time. However, there are users with course scores so high, they seem unbeatable. I may readdress this point once I near the end of this current course and see how my scores compare with these ridiculously high scores.

that’s why it is good to choose user into your leaderboard. Then you can compete with someone like you, all others are excluded.

That’s why @mackination said the main leaderboard is the most useful
 It shows all your learning compeared with your so called “friends”.
Then you can be 5th or 1st or 12th.

Otherwise you’ll be smthing like 2568th or 33567th

I am sure your explanation is why it is good for YOU to do it, I have no arguement with that, but I said that I do not want to add ‘friends’ that I do not know. Your reply was inappropriate as it ignores my request and forces your own beliefs on me.

I would rather be 33456th and then be able to more accurately monitor my learning abilities on a regular basis than be 5th, matched against random people with unknown abilities or conscienceness that may not allow me to receive any accurate feedback.

As I have chosen to not ‘befriend’ any strangers, surely the system default should be to show my overall position, rather than an empty leaderboard. If that is not possible, then perhaps memrise should hide that leaderboard until I befriend a stranger (I wont).