Multiple choice answers are weird?

When I go through the multiple choice questions to choose the correct word, lately I’ve encountered things like “choose the correct word for Fruit” and the options are 5 different letters of the korean alphabet and then the word. It seemed weird enough to me that I thought it might be a problem? It’s hard to really have to challenge myself when every time there’s a multiple choice, it pretty much gives me the answer because everything else are just letters. Is anyone else having this happen? I’m not very far into the course but The course has passed the point of needing to review letters.

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Goto the database of the course (if you are creator or contributor): there are entries that have just one character in them. Memrise just mixes them randomly.

See some other post on how the database relates to levels. (search)

I agree they should make the multiple choices not so easy and no I’m not a creator whatever that is. I’m a customer using a product they are selling.

Yeah its broken, sometimes when i give the correct answer it shows its wrong. Quiet buggy.