I’ve recently stumbled into an issue and thought others may have that, too. As the response to the bug report read is if it was automatically generated and I don’t know how long it takes for a fix to come, I created a little workaround and thought I might share it for those sharing the problem.
The problem: In typing tests, where you can type in the answer, the exclamation mark and question mark typed in via the keyboard differs from the one used when using the bubbles. The keyboard version is the half-width character one whereas the bubble version is full-width. Unfortunately, memrise handles those as different characters and therefore the answer as not correct, if the marks got entered via the keyboard. It appears that this is an issue that has also been reported by japanese learners.
My workaround is an AutoHotkey script that adds some alternative key combinations to write the full-width characters. Basically, when using control instead of shift the full-width version is written. The last bit is for the Won symbol (ctrl+\ )
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
Send "{U+FF1F}"
Send "{U+FF01}"
Send "{U+20A9}"
Thus far this works flawlessly with memrise.