Mistake in the German translation in Course 5, level 11

The russian sentence: “ни пуха, ни пера!” is translatet to German “Hals- und Beinbruch!”. But this is wrong. I would say, it must be: “Nichts Halbes und nichts Ganzes”, or “Nicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch”.

The russian expression means, that it is not the one and not the other.

The German “Hals- und Beinbruch!” is used to wish someone good luck.

Kind regards

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“ни пуха, ни пера!” is used to wish someone good luck

Yes, you are right. It was used in former times between hunters, to wish each other good luck. Sorry for my intervention.


Hi @ajanzen87,

Indeed, we use this expression to wish good luck. It has moved away from its literal meaning.