Mems not saving?

New theory: They haven’t got any room to store the new mems.

Hi, I am also having this problem. I tried adding a mem to the French 1 section and it just keeps saying it’s saving and showing the loading gif but never actually finishes. Considering this thread is 15 days old with no communication from devs are they even working on it? All we want is for you to verify you know this is a problem and are working on it, guys!

Hi @stacy.wells.100db there already is an answer in post 16


I wish there was a dislike button for some posts.

What does he actually mean for now? Since when did ‘now’ become weeks or is it going to be months, years even. Maybe ‘now’ means never because 15 days have passed and I don’t see anyone from staff even bothering to comment at all.

But at least we have @Atikker to tell us to be patient and reply on behalf of the staff. That’s better than nothing, I guess.

On a good note, I left my flippy floppies in the gym a couple of weeks ago. I notified them and we were reunited today. Problem solved. It’s a true story. A student-of-life original you might say.

It made me feel like this:


Everytime I try to upload a mem I feel like this:

This issue has now been fixed.

If you’re still experiencing this issue, please do let me know.


Thanks @Joshua! Yes, images are uploading again for me.

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Thank you @Joshua, much appreciated. Fixed and working again for me too.

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stop bugging me… you are being very rude… I am not staff I just asked you to have some patience…


@Joshua, just so you know, there does seem to be some picture degradation going on when the pictures are uploaded. Once they’ve been uploaded, they look like something off my 386 from 1995 - there’s a reasonably hefty loss in resolution that never used to occur. Personally, I’m not particularly bothered, and I’m guessing that perhaps it’s deliberate on Memrise’s part to either save on bandwidth or comply with copyright laws. But I thought I’d best mention it. Having said that, I’m just happy to have the pictures back even if they’re a bit blurry!

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Who is bugging who?

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Can you stop it already :frowning:

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I’m assuming that as an English language learner, you actually might find it helpful to be informed that what you said, the way you said it, is an insult in English.

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Could everyone please let this whole issue go. Some of the dialogue in this thread has totally side-tracked from the intent of the original post.

A solution was mentioned in post 68. Could we all please just move on to other things (like creating / saving mems). Thank you.


@Atikker I’m English and as an English speaker from England I will agree that sarcasm is a kind of insult but also I found your message:

hey… it is 6 am Tuesday in UK! Yesterday was free? Do you think things fix themselves? Have some patience, please!

To be very rude. You did not ‘ask’ me to be patient you told me. There is a big difference. I could point out other things in that one sentence, patronising rhetorical questions, which I took a dislike to but I think it is just a waste of time. You could just mind your own business, leave people with their frustration and believe me the frustration was real.

My sarcasm and my humour have been wasted on you, I’m sorry for that. I thought you might ‘get it’ and lighten up a little but you mistook it as a personal attack.

As I said before “:v:Peace out in the forum, don’t police :cop: out in the forum.”

Try to see the (what I thought to be) obvious humour.

:v:SoL :vulcan:

I have also noticed this problem.

Thanks for the fix. This problem was literally ruining my life :chart_with_downwards_trend: My OCD can now rest. I would also like to confirm that the images lose quality when uploaded. It seems a minor issue. Is it intentional?

We are customising uploaded mems, so we can improve their experience by having small sized image files, which will provide a faster loading time.

There’s too much off-topic happening in this thread, this bug has been resolved.

The thread is now locked.

Please feel free to create a new thread if you are experiencing any bug related problem.

In the future, can we please avoid off-topic discussion and keep it to private messaging.