Mems not loading / "Help me learn this" button doesn't load content


  • Same issue on 3 iOS devices
  • iOS 11.4.1 installed on all 3 devices (2x iPhones and 1x iPad Pro)
  • Memrise app(s) downloaded 30/08/18 & 31/08/18
  • Memrise has been granted all requested permissions (notifications/camera etc)
  • Internet connection working


  • Get to a page showing the “Help me to learn this” button
  • Press button
  • Note: Course is French (beginner)


  • The screen slides up. There is a loading icon on the screen and a red dot in the top-left corner of that screen
  • The loading icon doesn’t move (note: I tested on iPad and saw it spin momentarily on the very first occassion but it no longer spins visibly)
  • The loading icon never disappears and nothing ever loads (I’ve waited for several minutes)


  • Would expect loading icon to disappear and either (a) the mnemonic to appear (b) text confirms when there is no associated mnemonic for that particular word

Having icloud the same issue. After i updated this google classroom issue is persistent.

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I am having a similar issue with Arabic characters. Occasionally one image mem loads, the rest of the time I receive the attached error when I try to swipe though the different ones.

Hi @arlenedowling780,

Thanks for sharing this. Unfortunately, we’ve been unable to reproduce this on an iOS device. Can you please uninstall the app, restart your device and then reinstall it, in attempt to resolve the error? It could also be that some items do not have any mems created for them yet.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


These are not your grandmother’s flashcards where she writes Spanish words on but there are also loads of other language courses that have been created by the As a matter of fact, a lot of content on Memrise is user-generated, and this is one of to you during the learning phase, there is a “ Help me learn this ” button.
