I’m seeing the memstream in various user-created courses, both when learning new words and following a wrong answer when reviewing.
gracias. I dont see any anymore…
Hi @Ustavan could you give me a list of words(courses), where this behavior is happening. It would also be really helpful to get some screenshots if possible.
We’re looking into this issue right now, so the more information the better.
Thanks for that detailed list. We’re looking into it, and some fixes will be posted shortly.
I see this issue in these courses (and a self-made course):
When I fail a word, I’m asked to associate a mem (which I already did when I created the mem a year ago):
And when I’m done, I see ONLY the freshly associated mem, although all the words previously have been associated with mems:
I haven’t reviewed any words I’ve failed and re-associated mems to again, so I’m not sure if the association sticks.
I have the same problem in all the courses I am subscribed to, so it is probably a site-wide bug? I’m glad to know this isn’t normal, I thought it was a part of the new update!
I am not sure how to post a link, but a few examples:
I too am having the “stuck on mute” issue.
I’m having this issue too and it’s very frustrating to deal with.
hey, anybody there from the memrise team?
“pause” does not function, it took me today straight to the next item and, of course, market it as “wrong”…
Speaking of which, does anyone no longer see the ignore button when reviewing words? I see it when I’m learning, but now in review session, I can’t ignore words.
I’m also having this issue. I cannot associate mems anymore, cannot create mems, and added mems do not stick. Please fix!
I´m still seeing it following an incorrect review (but only the circular button under the flower, not the “ignore” link which used to appear in the top left corner):
Hi Niamh! It’s still functioning for me - when using Chrome (sorry!). Haven’t tried with other browsers though.
Maybe this is a web browser issue, too. I am still able to add, edit and associate mems.
@Joshua. Can you advise please?
This seems to partially be the problem. I use Chrome and nothing Mem-related works. In Firefox, I can associate Mems.
But I have still lost all hundreds of previous Mems I had, which is a tragedy to me.
They don’t seem bothered to fix this problem at all, as this has been lasting for weeks. It will last longer from what I perused on these forums. Dissappointed to see how this place is run. Mems was the one element that made me use Memrise over anything else. Maybe it is time for me to move away from this train wreck, and use tools that won’t destroy all my work without previous notice.
Lackbittern, I have been frustrated with this same issue of mems no longer appearing after review sessions so that I can work on associations. Thanks for the tip about using Firefox, I’m going to try that out. Just wanted to add that my old mems are not “gone”. If I go into my profile they are there (though not easily searched), or if I get a word wrong in Review my old mem will make an appearance.
In addition to responding to Lackbittern, I want to infuse new energy into this thread. For me this bug that keeps mems from appearing at the end of Review sessions is a major problem. Similar to what other users have stated I signed up for Pro because the use of mems really appealed to me and if I can’t utilize them efficiently I may not re-up. Any current feedback to be had about progress on correcting this bug?
@BeaTrisy Sorry if I’m duplicating comments, but I’m like a senior citizen and I’m trying to get the hang of using the forum threads. As posted elsewhere I’m also still very frustrated with mems not appearing following Review sessions unless I’ve gotten a word wrong. Can you post any update to where you’re at on fixing this bug? Thanks!
will mems ever return to a normal behaviour? I still have to reselect my mems every time!!!
Today, in this course: Learn Spanish Conjugation • No Typing - by deactivated user - Memrise it is failing to load the mems for items I answered incorrectly during review when I click on “show mems”. Yesterday, they loaded OK.