Thu 17. august, my slected mems are no longer associated with their words. Which naturally means I don’t get the option to view them after a review session.
It seems that all the connections are lost. If I fail a word, I can select my old mem again, and I can again see those mems after a review session.
Everything worked fine the day before.
This is very frustrating, as I like to go through my mems after a review session.
Same thing here. All my mems disappeared from after session review, as they are no longer associated with the words. It’s very sad. I’m using my personal course.
What I’m seeing today varies depending on whether I give correct or incorrect answers in my review sessions.
If I give all correct answers, the “view mems” button on the summary page doesn´t show. If I give one or more incorrect answers during a review, the button shows when I reach the summary page (and clicking on it displays my chosen mem(s) in the usual way).
If, following a wrong answer, I then review the word again in “Difficult Words” and answer correctly, the “view mems” button doesn’t show.
This behaviour applies for my official and user-created courses. I have retained some screenshots.
@Joshua - is this a bug or an intended change (maybe assuming that there is no requirement to review a mem following a correct review)?
i’ll never understand why “they” never ever inform the userbase beforehand about changes - unless is about ugly, pointless, childish ziggies. The user finds her/himself confronted with new situations, and loses time and energy to figure out by her/himself that s/he did not do in fact anything wrong
Also, is anyone else having the audio muted as default? Even if I click “unmute audio”, the next session I load goes back to mute.
Also having these issues:
At the top of sessions, the course name doesn’t appear.
Before, I could get the word correct, then click on check answer to confirm a definition. Now, if I do that after the word has been marked green/correct, it counts the word as though I missed it.
Before, when a learning session ended, if you clicked “levels”, you’d be brought back to the level you were learning from. Now it takes you to the course home page. This isn’t helpful.
Audio is automuted. Before, if you turned it on, the next session you’d load would also have audio. Now every session loads with the audio muted.
it seems that, because of some really lazy users who are unable to read sentences longer than 6 words and think books are soooo out, the mems are now by default invisible, even if the user selected/ created a mem for a specific item. Mems doomed irrelevant for learning, but ziggies very important??? I need mems for learning chinese
It’s a bug; I’m not seeing any by initially (i.e. they won’t save) but I can see all the mems when I’m asked to choose one. @BeaTrisy can you check up on this?
Hi @Ustavan could you give me a list of words(courses), where this behavior is happening. It would also be really helpful to get some screenshots if possible.
We’re looking into this issue right now, so the more information the better.
I have the same problem in all the courses I am subscribed to, so it is probably a site-wide bug? I’m glad to know this isn’t normal, I thought it was a part of the new update!
I am not sure how to post a link, but a few examples: