Memrise was restored

Sorry for double-posting, but just to let you know - the site works again! At least functionally. The counters are still bugged up, but the actual process works. So, if you have 20 items to review and review 10, the button will still show that you have 20 to review, but it won’t be true, you’ll just have the other 10 left. Similarly, if you learn all the words in a level, you won’t get the flower icon, but the words will be learned, clicking “learn” again won’t lead you to the same words.

Well I have courses with 5 words to review and I can do it over and over. Doesn’t feel like it’s recording anything.

Strange… it works for me on various courses. Maybe it’s only fixed for some people so far? :frowning: Or for some subjects? I’ve only tested it on German courses, I’ll go try something else. But either way, at least it shows that some progress is being made…

Edit: I’ve tried a completely different course (some dinosaurs), but it still works as described for me - so, the counter is unchanged, but I can’t review the same things all over again.

Look at the level page, do those items still show “Due for review: Now”?

Yes, you’re right, I didn’t check the individual levels. The word is not due to now but I can review it as many times as I want.

Anyone else getting the error “there is nothing to learn in this game mode. Please try a different one” when trying to learn new words in the iOS app?

Memrise, please get your act together. The fact that you’ve been down for several days makes me seriously doubt the viability of both your product and your team.

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Hmm, that explains why I can’t review certain courses even though the counter hasn’t changed. Interesting.

I’m with you there @Hydroptere, I use the web version almost exclusively. It is becoming increasingly frustrating (and demotivating) to not be able to reduce the number of words one has to review no matter how much time one is putting into Memrise.
@Lien can you please advise when the web version is supposed to be fixed. It has been many days now. Thanks.


Everything seems to be fine now, at least for me. :slight_smile:


It’s working!!! I’ve had such a sad week and being able to use this website again has a been a warm ray of sunshine. Thank you, Memrise! Thank you!


Everything appears back to normal, yay! Now we need to get Course pinning, Language grouping, and Loading all courses on the Dashboard at once back and everything would be kosher.

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And our lost daily streaks.

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I don’t want to continue with my two courses if I don’t have my daily goals, y had one of 229 days. :confused:

French 1 and 2 seem to be working ok now for me. I doubt this was an easy thing to fix. Anything to do with software bugs can be fraught with difficulty. Thanks to the Memrise team for their hard work in trying to resolve the problem. We can only be patient when these things happen. :smiley:


8 posts were split to a new topic: Userscript to load all the courses on the Memrise home page

2 posts were split to a new topic: My Homepage is Empty

Last week I requested Memrise to restore my 5 lost streaks. And today they were actually restored.

Same here. I got my lost streaks back today too.

Thank you Memrise.

My lost streaks came back even though I did not email about them. The badge doesn’t match, however.

I like the idea of letting user pick the mem when they want as well.

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