Sorry, but it sounds to me that you use the “auto accept” feature totally wrong.
You SHOULD know that the correct answer is “das Haus”.
If you know it, then you can type it and it will be auto accepted and Memrise jumps to the next question.
If you do NOT know it / you are unsure, and your 1st thought was “der Haus”, well, then YOU SHOULD still type “der Haus”.
Memrise won’t accept your answer, and you SHOULD hit the ENTER hot key!!!
Why? Because you don’t know for sure the answer, so you WANT, that this question will be asked in the next 4-6/12h again.
“Auto accept” shall NOT lead you to autoprobing through all available choices like “der Haus, die Haus, das Haus”, where finally the correct might be accepted.
Don’t fool yourself and use the system in a wrong way, which only hurts YOUR LEARING!!!
Another example:
We have already found out, that for longer phrases/sentences on the offical Memrise 1-7 courses, there are different possibilities or synonyms but one course just prompts for the correct answer “in a special way” (Memrise designed their 1-7 courses for multiple-choice for >15 character answers, but not typing!!!).
If a learner knows the answer, or almost the answer (e.g with 2-3 synonyms or 2-3 fill words), why should he not be allowed to test his known / possible answer choices?
If I do REALLY not know the correct tense or single word in a prompted question, well then I just type ("all typing user script) my answer as best guessed and hit the ENTER hot key, so I can learn how close I am…and that I get the next chance at 4-6/12h…
My advise to you: Don’t use the Memrise system in a wrong way and cheat yourself for pushing back the spaced repetition intervals, even you do not know the answer for sure /or at least 90-99%).
Your above example (good example!) is the perfect showcase how a learner can trick him-/herself and the Memrise system by typing; but it makes no sense to do this.
Memrise is not DuoLingo for accepting many multiple alternative sentence and word possibilities!!!