Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Oh god! the only reason for me to use this app were MEMES and now they all gone/ Wattahell ! Im trying to learn chinese here and big amount of mems i used were written by some linguists/ if they were offencive to smbody why need to shut it down for everybody ?!?!?!?!



Previously, when major concerns have been raised by your community about a change of direction, you have ‘fronted up’ and given us your views.

I, for one, would welcome your thoughts again this time.


if the staff has muted this thread they won’t get emails even if they are
tagged nor see this thread in the list of other recent threads

This may be why they have not answered

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Perhaps we need to email them (or contact them in some other way) with a request to consider our thoughts.


I had that thought, too. I once read that the best way to contact memrise to get their attention was to write an actual pen-on-paper letter and send it to them via snail mail. That would definitely get their attention!

Their current address is:

38-40 Commercial Road
E1 1LN

I found this information here:


Interesting related threads (thanks for creating them):

Memrise hid the mems, perhaps because someone found a bug that allowed them to edit other people's mems - did you see examples of that?

What happened to memrise's original ideas of crowd-sourcing and community?

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I was wondering about creating a new thread with a template of a letter to send to memrise. If they were bombarded with actual post in the form of dozens (hundreds???) of letters asking them about the reason for this decision and a request to reverse it as soon as possible, that might make more of an impact than this thread here.

Ben Whately is still the CEO of memrise and, as far as I can tell, he was the one who was so keen on the whole crowd-sourcing aspect of memrise.

It just does not fit in with the original game plan :frowning:

But then I was looking at the app with all its spaceship and exploration imagery - totally different from the original “garden” idea of the web version that we still see - and was wondering if memrise is going to move away completely from this collaborative idea on which the company was founded.

What do you think about the idea of a draft-letter thread? I am sure some people whose native language isn’t English or who aren’t very confident about their written English might appreciate a draft to work with.


i think memrise is going bust, and they try saving money

Why don’t we all send actual letters to memrise by post?

To Ben Whately himself, as he is still the CEO. Greg Detre left back in 2012, but Ben Whately is still the boss man.

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if they’re really going bust, letters won’t help much

They are not going bust, I have been looking at information about the company’s finances on the net. Apparently, they started making a profit as of late 2016. So the company is actually doing quite well, in fact.


What the point to learn language without real words and slangs? Yes! It must be offenceve - its a real language. People have different emotions and words should describe it. In school from child you can hear much more agressive sayings. Additionaly you better remember exalted memms, some times with brutal injuring humor. Offcource it may heart someones “fealings” and some times mine, but it’s a price for speed.Don’t ready for it - use casual flash cards.
PS I still angry… and waitng for take back my tool.


It’s obvious now, someone have to create a real memrise for real users — I feel really eager to abandon this userhateful service, that every now and again brings in new obstacles for our learning process.


I I have to say, what a ridiculous decision it was to take away mem’s. I have used this site for many years and I enjoyed learning many different languages and how great it was to have mems created by others, and those we could create ourselves that helped me to remember words that I have learned, and now that’s gone

Was the decision to remove them really based on some users complaining about some offensive mem’s. I have only seen a few offensive ones myself, and even still there are solutions that others suggested, that could have easily be implemented like a report button or toggling mem’s. I am angry about this decision and I hope the staff come to their senses and reverse this decision.


It seems to me that this is a mistake. To as it were take the Mem out of Memrise is to deny the creativity, fun and community spirit that has been so inspiring and loveable about Memrise. It appears to go against the mission statement of Memrise. I have often found that the simple act of looking through the lists of selectable mems with a view to selecting one has helped to lodge words in my memory.


Interesting quote @amanda-norrsken - it will have to be changed:

"The Memrises community uses images and . . . "


Memrise right now:


Put mems back. Full stop.


just today somebody put a video on youtube about a language learning app called HiNative from Lang-8
i don’t know whether it’s any good, but you could always give it a try

youtube video

hinative site
hinative site

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medium, than one app. I made an account there some time ago, forgot about it. As said, medium, but interactive; given that the memrise-app is medium as well and does not have either mems or interaction with other users, give it a try

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