Memrise Release Notes - 13 Dec 2017

Well, well, well, if that isn’t another improvement that makes things worse. I have actually faith in the Memrise team, for they did create a fine website, but these so called improvements are worrying.


Please bring the original features back. This is highly inconvenient. I need to be able to see which courses have the highest numbers of words due for review, and how many words are marked as difficult, your “improvement” does not make this any easier. This has been mentioned by many users already but back in 2015 was when the web version was at its best. Please bring it back.
OR AT LEAST, make the reviews a priority on the “next button”. How could I possibly learn new words if I need to review older ones first? Reviewing due words is what will help us most in our language journey, not listening practice, not difficult words, not learning new words.


Ridiculous and completely useless update. Bring back the previous version. Ask users before updating!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hire some professional ux designers. These will actually listen to the users. And make changes we actually want.

Reviewing has been awful for years with so many bad UI decisions that could easily be fixed.

I can’t believe you managed to make reviewing harder again.

I used to love you Memrise, but you’ve been breaking my heart for years.


I’m cancelling my pro subscription. I was happy to support Memrise even though I didn’t use any pro features but this is ridiculous.

You’ve given web users an objectively worse user experience with this update and from a quick glance around the forums it seems like Memrise has a long history of making changes with no UX consultation or testing, followed by ignoring user complaints.


Thanks to TinyCaterpillar up thread for the Groups suggestion. I’ve set up groups for Live Courses and Completed Courses - and as they say, it is easy to see there (at the moment anyway!) which courses have words to review.

But I really do agree with everyone’s comments about how Memrise keeps making “improvements” which adversely affect the interface and learning experience. The Dashboard is now hopeless - please let us see which courses have words to review. I’ve reluctantly learned to put up with the other recent changes. The autocorrect feature is annoying. And the jumbled letters which appear on some courses are detrimental to learning, often virtually giving the answer away…

I’m a free user - but I have often considered going Pro. But I’m afraid I can’t see me subscribing any time soon while Memrise seems so likely at any point to make detrimental “improvements”, and seems so cavalier towards its customer base.


Ok, since the streaks have disappeared on the main screen, why do I still have a streak clock active? Did anyone even bother to test this before it was rolled out or is this just another subtle way to force the web users off the platform? (I seldom use the app so I can’t say what the impact of these new modifications are).


Streaks and daily goals seem to be still active, you just can’t see them on your dashboard anymore. Improvements!


Totally. Taking choice away from users and practically forcing them to learn new stuff instead of reviewing is a complete UX fail. I don’t know why they hate reviewers so much. They just keep making reviewing harder and harder.


I can’t find one single improvement in this so-called “improvement”.

So pissed off.


"showing the number of items currently due"

This is one of the most important features for me. This new interface came as such a shock! Sad that Memrise is not spending time fixing bugs. With such major changes like this in development it is small wonder why there seems to be no time to address the bugs that users report. Sad.


I want to chime in and provide feedback that I think the changes are detrimental. Please just leave a “review” button that shows how many words are up for review. The “what’s next” feature is superfluous and I don’t find it useful at all, on the contrary. Now I have to click one extra time to see how many words I need to review.

The thing really doesn’t know what I want to do next…


in other words, instead of using the ample space of a desktop environment, we have more pretty empty page to look at, and instead of one click, we need two.

plus, you can’t even see which of your courses have how much words to repeat without clicking this “handy mode selector” on each one of them.

the whole feature is pretty obviously geared to promote the premium features to free users, at the expense of useability.


I was really hoping that when I woke up this morning this all would turn out to have been a nightmare.


Maybe the fact that a single site’s UX change could unhinge me this badly is sign that I’ve been spending too much time on memrise. I’m almost embarrassed by how much this has messed up my world. But what can I say? Over the last few years I’ve learned tens of thousands of Chinese characters/words on this site. I’ve got several courses that I’ve been building for literally years, not to mention all the other peoples courses that I’ve invested enormous amounts of time in. Memrise is the first thing I check in the morning. It’s the last thing I check at night. I use it constantly.

I haven’t been happy with all the changes to memrise in the past - but for the most part they have been purely cosmetic changes, or only slightly worsened the product. But this change actually renders memrise unusable. Specifically, the idea that I can’t at a glance see how many words are ready to review in all my courses is a mind-bogglingly stupid change. The idea that I have to constantly click through extra menus is idiotic. At my level of daily usage, adding up all of these pointless, superfluous, frustrating clicks I’m now going to have to make, these pointless, superfluous, frustrating menus I’m now going have to navigate through, over a period of days, months and years - it’s more than I can contemplate.

Like someone else mentioned above, my investment in this site is so high that I can’t leave immediately. But I’m starting that process now. If this doesn’t change back quickly. I’m cancelling Pro, and I’ll be gone forever.


Now, I don’t know how many words are ready to repeat them, and in which course. Buttons which show how many words are ready to repeat them have disappeared. It’s extremely annoying. I can only add that using memrise in that situation became pointless, because I have to set repetitions by myself. I’m going to resign from using memrise because it became useless. I’ve prepared 70 English courses and now all my job went down the drain. My account is a mess. I was considering going Pro but now I’m sure that I won’t do it. Last update is trash.


Like other people have mentioned, this is completely bonkers.
My pro subscription is until summer and if nothing changes here fast & for the better, I’m not going to renew. Slowly phasing out my learning here - I’ve started using anki.
I’m a language teacher - up to a few months ago I was happy to recommend memrise to my learners and everbody else. Then ziggy came, and with my adult learners I just felt too embarrassed to even mention the website. Now, however, I shall actively discourage them from wasting there time here. There are lots of other options, and while memrise in the past was an outstanding tool … no more.
I’ve also left a * review for the app - my goal is to learn, not to play anagrams.
Appalling customer service. I’ve mentioned my problems with stuff not displaying on the website weeks ago in the forum, no reaction whatsoever.


So I can’t know how many words I have to repeat without clicking “more”? It just take more time to check every course one by one.


First of all restore this buttons which show how many words are ready to repeat them because for the time being I can’t see how many words I have to review and in which course. I have 70 courses, so it’s terrible and extremely annoying. In that situation memrise became pointless.


I never was the one to go and complain about changes but this time it’s just outrageous.

Setting design issues aside for the moment, I’m really confused about the decision to roll out new UI without even testing it. Firstly, there were complaints about dashboard not loading at all, which luckily are resolved by now. However, streaks and daily goals appear to be bugged still and that doesn’t really “bring the quality of the website up”. Is it really that hard to properly test something before implementing it?

Disappearance of streak badges and old ranks was frustrating, since they were one of the motivating factors for me. Ziggy’s design at the very least is highly questionable, however it didn’t affect my learning as long as I could continue to learn using those wonderful User Created Courses.

Recent controversy with auto-accept also didn’t hit me as hard, since I already used similar feature with userscripts. Nevertheless, I see why some might find it unacceptable and detrimental to their learning. That’s why I think it should be made toggleable (even better if the corresponding choice can be made for each course separately).

And now came this atrocious design from mobile version. Dashboard already wasn’t quite easy to use and if you have a lot of courses (I have 16 at the moment and it’s not that much) managing them becomes an issue. Somehow you managed to make it even worse. Loading still takes ages but now you can’t even see how many words are there to be reviewed and this is extremely unconvenient. Even mobile version shows that number for every course so why desktop, which arguably has much more space, can’t do the same?

This “Next up” button with “a fair bit of engineering behind it” is laughable. Not only it suggests modes that I never use, it actually changes on each page reload. Engineering equals random now, I see. There is so much space but you used it to place one useless button and hid everything actually useful in this “‘Other Modes’ selector”. The issue is that now you must make this one extra click and it only brings out this ugly full-screen tablet-like nonsense.

Once I consired going pro, not for the features it provides but to support Memrise and its development. Not I’m glad that I didn’t. It seems like I should start looking for alternatives because this site is on its road to nowhere. It’s fine if you want to attract users who will study for 2 weeks and then never return, but otherwise this change is just horrendeous.


Memrise has been going downhill ever since they fired the cat.