Memrise Prize <[email protected]>

A short while ago you signed up on to help in a grand experiment about language learning.

We are now ready for you!
The experiment is in two parts. The first takes around an hour and the
second, which takes place a week later, is a test of what you learned in
the first part and takes 10-15 minutes. Here is your personal link to
the first part, the one-hour learning challenge. It is important that
you have an hour of uninterrupted time to take part in the study, so if
you’re not free right now please put a note in your diary. You will also
need to have time to take the ten minute test on the same day the
following week.

The test works best on a computer with a physical keyboard. Please don’t
attempt to complete it on a mobile phone or tablet. Also, the test will
not work correctly on Internet Explorer.

Complete both parts of the experiment to be in with a chance to win an iPad.
Thank you in advance for volunteering your time

The Memrise team


Glad to know, how much people still try to study letters in words.
As you know, language mean ANY word have a visual form.
So you CAN’T teach word without visual or sound identity.
I see in your test some letters, but doesn’t see any visual representative about asking word.
Sorry, but variant “type word about some new word” is piece of scrap.

Hope next time you start to teach languages in visual form, and stop bother people with “word 2 word” scheme.
For example, this system doesn’t work even in school.
I waste 10 years in school to study English, but I still can’t English talk!

Kids learn to new words when hear that word and see visual form of this word.
Then after many repeats, kids start represent sound form of this word and got link with a visual form.
But I never see any kid that learn new words like “arm - hand”.
This is symbols exchange, but it doesn’t teaching to any language.

Your Memrise app in google store very good to study Deutsch.
Because it have sound, what people can repeat.

Auf Wiedersehen!

P.S. This reply doesn’t accepted at "[email protected]".
E-mail-adress what can’t accept mail, do you really need feedback?

Always interesting to read feedback.

The purpose of this study, as far as I know, is to improve learning methods and develop ever better memorisation tools.

I agree that learning words through association with visual counterparts has been proven to be a very efficient method. This idea is at the core of this website/app and its “mems”. And I guess that, as you’re strongly favouring this method, it must work very well for you.

However, don’t assume that what works for you works for everyone. I, for one, cannot visualise anything that I don’t see in front of me. For instance, if you ask me to imagine or describe the face of a loved one, or even an everyday object, I cannot visualize it all in my head. I can just describe general features, like for instance, I know a car has wheels, a trunk, etc. But again, I don’t see anything when trying to imagine it.

As it turns out, quite a lot of people function like that. If you’re interested in this “condition” (I don’t like to call it that, as it is just a different way of functioning, nothing that causes me trouble), do a google search for Aphantasia.

So, my mems on this website, are probably different from yours. I will use narrative stories, word associations, and other mnemotechnics to remember each word. I rarely to never use any picture. This works pretty well for me. Maybe it could work well for others too, I don’t know.

How the acquisition of memories works is a very active field of research.

So, the best you could do, would be to participate to the experiment. If indeed this technique does not work for you, it will certainly help the team learn more about this. You’re a valuable data point, along the thousands of others.

Hope I don’t sound pedantic, just wanted to share my own experience with this.