Memrise is turning 10🎂🎉 We want to hear from you!

Hi you all!!! :cake:

:tada: Memrise is turning 10 next month :birthday::tada: and we are extremely thankful to all of you for being part of our community!

In celebration of this, we would like to hear a few of your personal stories about Memrise. Have you learnt a lot with us? Did you visit new places and make new friends thanks to your language superpower?

Please comment below or send us a DM to share your story! Aprender un nuevo idioma es increíble, cierto? If you’re happy for us to, we might even feature them in a blog post celebrating the anniversary :grinning:

It would be fantastic if you could follow this format:
Where are you from?
What language are you learning?
Why did/do you want to learn that language?
What do you like about Memrise the most?

We can’t wait to hear them :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: Please be kind and respectful to everyone’s story!:heart:

From Honor, Alessio, Jesus, Francis, James, Luke… (just a few of us making up the Memrise Team!)




Ich komme aus Bremen bin 38 und Lerne Mandarin
Habe mit duolingo angefangen aber da gibt es leider kein Deutsch/chinesisch ^^ daher habe ich weiter gesucht…
Und habe nun hellochinese/Drops und memrise (welches mir tatsächlich am besten bisher gefällt^^)
Über einen lernaustausch (ich lerne erst seit 3 Monaten) würde ich mich freuen. Habe weibo/wechat/ line


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