user scripts not really working… I had a script getting rid of the clutter (the share and tweet stuff, I really dont need such nonsense) changing the domain to http*://* does not work for me, made things worse
does one have a script line for getting rid of the sun/moon eating up the upper side of the screen (one third of the screen is that just silly … what ever), please???
And one for getting rid of the flashy pink of the “difficult words”, and of the many useless buttons (share, tweet)?? please?
also, in several my Chinese courses I reviewed all item in need for watering, however some rest (6 to 10 items) keep coming again and again (review loop, again)
I will never understand why the devs keep worsening things… chasing away web users…
This is a different issue so I suggest you start a different thread for this if it continues.
For the rest, my userstyles targeting the things you mention still work (except I’m trying to get rid of the white background on the things, and some of the header stuff). Please post your userstyles if you like people commenting on them.
solved by taking the laptop to the office and handing the script to my specialists
It would be nice if Memrise would learn to communicate changes, burt this request for timely communication is 4 years old, some things never change at memrise
(I’ve posted my users styles several times, they are built upon "Decreases the size of course boxes and course buttons on the Memrise home page by more than 50 percent." (I’ve added several lines to it, for the clock etc, after the best userstyle ever stopped functioning because of the constant changes “Minimal design: Removes a bunch of the busy things on memrise watering/planting/reviewing.”