French 1 works well. I’ll try French 4 later today
hi @glovertom
French 4 works for me also.
in what level is this video you had problem with. I’d like to try that also
hi @Atikker
The French 4 example I posted was from level 17, but I just tried French 1, level 1 and that has the problem for me too. You’re obviously on a different device to me as you look to have a larger screen. That must be part of it, and may be related to the other problems I as having (wand button not visible on screen etc - separate post)?
- This video is “je n’aime pas les pommes” fwiw
I have ASUS ZenFone2. The wand is not always there even for me (maybe it
shouldn’t be, I don’t know and I don’t miss that also)
my smallest phone kicked the bucket, so I can’t control it there…
You should be able to use The Natives on your regardless of the size of
your phone. I hope @Joshua (or someone else) will find a quick solution for
you because this Natives part is probably what you paid for.
Happy learning (despite this issue)
I finally got it…
I think there isn’t a scrollbar in every video like I mistakenly assumed.
As I have relatively large screen I did not notice it.
I got this video wrong because j’ai was too close to enter arrow and there was no way I could lift it higher. So on smaller screens it would have gone behind it or on the next row.
So I think smth needs to be done
This is even better picture of how some words will hide themselves
Hi @Joshua - if you have access to any internal builds that you think might fix this, I’d be happy to try them out on my device?
Hi @glovertom, I totally agree. It most be super annoying getting the answer incorrect. Unfortunately, there isn’t a fix for this issue as of yet.
The android team are aware of this issue, and I was also able to reproduce this bug with the s3 mini.
This issue isn’t noticeable for larger screens but can definitely be seen for smaller ones.
Thanks @Atikker for your help.
I seem to have the same issue on my LG G3 (5.5 inch screen, so pretty big screen even), working on the Danish course.
Android version 6.0
I have the same problem on a LG G3 with Android 5.0, on Russian Level 2. Would be great to get a fix