MCQ has 3 numbered speaker icons as answer candidates

New to memrise.
Barely 5 or 6 questions into a course I am presented with

  1. an expression in english,
  2. the japanese hiragana below it
  3. The question “Choose the correct Japanese for the English”
  4. a multiple choice (MC) list of 3 speaker icons numbered 1,2 & 3.
  5. I note that the countdown timer is not running for this question.

Hovering the mouse pointer over a speaker does not yield any audio.

So it seems weird to have to select one of three MC answers when you cannot hear each of the answer candidates before selecting one as your chosen response.

(Forum search for an answer yielded no match.)


When you click on each MC audio option the audio will play. Hope that helps?

I believe I may have had the same experience you did when I first encountered this multiple choice audio question setup. So you need not feel alone. :slight_smile:

When I encountered this situation I assumed that clicking on the speaker would select it as an answer. I was very confused at first as to how to listen to the audio without getting marked wrong. I eventually clicked on one and realized there was a button below the speakers and once you listened to the options you then clicked on the speaker that was correct so it was the last active item, then you click on the check answer button. Kind of reminds me of the game memory, find the matching one :persevere:

It would have made more sense to users to perhaps have included a radio button that could be clicked separately to the speakers. :upside_down:

Anyway, I hope that the annoyance caused by the vagary of this odd testing setup did not spoil your learning experience and that you are enjoying your learning for the most part. Good luck in your pursuit of conquering the Japanese language :relaxed:

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