I’m only 1/10th of the way through this course and I’ve found a disconcerting number of errors. These are only the ones I could catch, but they are real. Memrise: please address the quality in this course ASAP!
Audio wrong:
cosa stai (sta) mangiando adesso?what are you eating now?
cosa stai (sta) bevendo?what are you drink-ing?
sto andando a vederlo
I am going to see it, I am going (in order) to see it
sta andando a mangiare
io ce l’ho
la chiamerò I will call you6/66
non so ancora a che ora sarà pronto ma devo averlo oggi se è possibileI don’t know yet at what time it will be ready but I must have it today if it is possible
In beginning/intervmediate Italian vocabu-lary:
I’m tired (if you are male) is wrong if it’s sono stanco and right if it’s Sono stanco. Ridiculous, especially as this program isn’t consistent in its use of capitals itself.
La vs li. Both mean ‘there’ or ‘over there’ yet for ‘there li is marked as wrong. Please revise.
In Italian sentence, the answer to this prompt is incorrect, while the correct one is marked incorrect-very frustrating: non ho (il) tempo per farlo I don’t have the time in order to do it now Answer is missing ‘adesso’
Is there really anyt difference between trans-lating sai parlare italiano as can you speak Italian (marked as correct) and do you speak Italian (marked as incorrect)? Or for sono stanco, between “I’m tired…” and “I’m tired”
Audio for ‘stiamo mangiando’ is incorrect
Only the option in parentheses is correct: quanto tempo starai (sta) in Italia?how long are you staying in Italy?
This is incorrect/not consistent with other test questions (the now part is inconsistent withother questions using now/adesso)
io ce l’hoI have it incorrect audio
What are you preparing? Correct answer given is cosa prepare (prepara)? But this is inconsistent with other questions which re-quire use of a form of ‘stare’ when translat-ing a present participle (preparing).
Sono pronto subito—Correct answer given is I am ready right away. But you also of-fer’sono pronto (tra) breve which translates as I am ready soon. Why is this not correct? A little ridiculous!