I was looking at the kinds of streaks you can set by clicking the “edit goal” button on the web version.
After finishing with this window I accidentally clicked “Turn Off” because I didn’t see any other way to get out of the dialogue box (the only way seems to be clicking “outside” of the window".
Kind of frustrating but no big deal that I lost my streak of three days. I’d either add an X to the modal window or another button that just says exit next to “turn off”.
When you change the setting back I would have expected that it would resume your existing streak and not start from scratch… seems like a bug or at least not the right behavior.
@Plat Probably because nobody has tagged their team?
I have no idea what further lead developers / senior technical leads or “business analysts / business developers” to tag who would fit a change-/feature request…
@MemriseSupport Does your UI frontend team care about some usability and to support users to their best knowledge (how they are “used” to use applications)?
Then please add a “save and close” button or “X” mark at the top right corner of the streak “edit goal” popup window.
I have verified it today and nothing has improved for the last months; it is still the old setting dialog.
Please confirm and provide us with a rollout deadline.
As being a Java JEE backend developer myself, I guess just adding a single “Save/Close” button shouldn’t be too consuming for implementation and ~0,5-1,0 day functional testing?
For the functional testing (QS department) you just have to make sure that existing active streaks won’t be reset when you:
a) open the “set goal” dialog
b) the currently/previously chosen streak option is selected
(as you do right now in the dialog when I open it today)
and that you
c) add a warning with yes/no confirmation to the “turn off” button that this will actually kill your current streak and you really want no streak goal anymore (there is no confirmation right now!)
If there was no “streak goal” setup before, it should not hurt too much if the save() or close() function or both in sequence is executed!!?
Change the text “Turn Off” in to “Turn Off and Delete Current Streak” with an explanatory print below it: “You must select a goal to have a streak count.”
I think I make it into a feature request… (as this is the bugs section).
Streaks wont be reset if you open the ‘‘set goal’’ dialog. Streaks only reset when you turn it off or forget it one day, when the goal dialog is opened you can click anywhere on the screen and that will close the dialog or click on the current chosen option.
This might be a good idea, because if you are just curious you could accidently kill your streak, which happened to me once . But overall I think the goal settings menu is fine, it’s not like you change your goal daily and it does the job. There are probably bigger problems the memrise staff has to solve.