Lost regular tag...?

In this image you can see I have the ‘regular’ badge. However, I can’t access the lounge or edit thread titles.
Is this for my sins?

I clearly remember you getting regular… Here’s proof.

@MemriseMatty or @Joshua. Please explain why his Regular status is gone. I understand if it was for a reason.

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Furthermore, unlike other trust levels, you can lose trust level 3 status (Regular) . If you dip below these requirements in the last 100 days, you will be demoted back to Member. :disappointed_relieved: However, in order to avoid constant promotion/demotion situations, there is a 2-week grace period immediately after gaining Trust Level 3 during which you will not be demoted.

Well it’s been more than two weeks so…

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why give me regular if you’re going to take it away as soon as possible @MemriseSupport

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I don’t think you need to ping them. If you went below the requirements, you went below. I’m sure you can get back your status soon,

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eh, i don’t really care

The status was removed automatically as explained by DvSt.

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well isn’t that fine and dandy