Listening test question

Hello all,

A little question as I am unsure how the “listening skills” test is working.

Basically when a course has word without audio, will the listening skills test automatically skip these entries in a course? Or is there a chance that a learner will get tested on a word without audio, resulting in a situation where you hear nothing but still need to fill in an answer?

Currently I have a course with two databases. In the second database I deleted the audio-column, simply because it will not work if these entries appear in a “listening skills” test.
I am just curious if there is a chance that the entries in a database without audio appear in the “listening skills” test.

(Reason why listening test would not work is that some words are pronounced the same but written differently, grammar thing. So if you are tested on audio, there’s no way you know which spelling is correct unless you know the sentence (which I am not planning to record audio for))

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This is what happens. You will get the situation that three listening buttons will appear and one or two or all of them will have no audio attached, so that the learner has to just guess. I have had this on a couple of courses where there are still a few words that I hadn’t found audio files for.

Ok, thanks for the information.