Listening skills test not working

Hi I paid $30 for pro just for the listening tests and they don’t work for my custom course. I get one sound bite, answer it, and it doesn’t progress. What’s happening?

Same thing occurring here. The memrise listening portion is not working. Usually one of the buttons is not working (and usually that is the correct response to the question). This works find on Android, but is not working on the web.

Issues like this and lack of response, at all, is why I do not recommend people pay to use memrise. I have and still do, but I have used it a lot so feel obligated. Troubleshooting by Forum is not support. A lack of proper support is why I recommend people not pay for memrise.

I think more information is needed. You have uploaded audio files to your course, I assume?

Can you post any screenshots of the database or a link to the course itself? (or is it just for you?)

Are you sure that you can use the “Listening skills” Pro feature for user-created courses?

I thought it is only available for their offical Memrise 1-7 course series created by staff (user Memrise)?

I am not 100% sure, but I think I have seen the purple “Listening Skills” icon lit up on a few courses with very good audio (perhaps 100%) coverage.

On the courses I look after, there are still a few words that I haven’t got audio files for and that might be the difference.

I wonder if anyone from the memrise team will chime in and explain this to us?

I’ve been doing basic Italian - a custom course for some time now and “Listening skills” button was always available now it doesn’t work. You must have changed some settings. The generic memrise courses are fine just the customary ones stopped working when it comes to this option…