Letters always appear in the same locations

I’ve noticed that letter buttons always appear in the same location. This might not seem like a big deal, but my mind adapts to the locations quickly and tends to pay less attention to the letters. As a result, I’m not learning the letters as well as I would like.

I think this didn’t use to be the case, but I’m not sure.

It would be nice if you could re-arrange the answer letters for each showing.


Hi, @derek.croxton !
Are you talking about any specific course or the app? Could you be more specific and link the course you are refering to, or upload a picture? Have you started to experience this issue recently?
I hope the community could help you.
@MemriseMatty maybe could do something.

I’m noticing it a lot now with the “Absorbing Persian” course, but I’m pretty sure it was also happening on the 10,000 Russian words course that I was taking before. It has been going on for some time, maybe always – I didn’t notice it at first, but it has been happening ever since I started paying attention.