Let's review french grammabot

It just seems impossible to find the correct answer for is "it time"and the one after that …pls help with the correct answer

Sorry but i do not exactly get your question…
If it’s taken from a (specific) course the best would be to address your issue to the course creator ! You might look at course forums to find it.
Cheers !

You might want to post a screenshot of the sentence you’re stuck on in the grammar bot, or type the entire sentence and the possible answers.

I’m sure someone would be kind enough to help you. :penguin:

Or post a screenshot, so we know what you mean. Posting a link to the course also helps.
If you have solved your issue yourself, please, let us know how; the answer can help others with the same question. Thank you!

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Hi, I’m new here and ‘is it time?’ in French Level 1 Grammarbot is bothering me too!

I’ve tried lots of combinations and I don’t know what I’m missing :slight_smile:

The correct answer is est-ce qu’il est temps. You need a verb in there.