It just seems impossible to find the correct answer for is "it time"and the one after that …pls help with the correct answer
Sorry but i do not exactly get your question…
If it’s taken from a (specific) course the best would be to address your issue to the course creator ! You might look at course forums to find it.
Cheers !
You might want to post a screenshot of the sentence you’re stuck on in the grammar bot, or type the entire sentence and the possible answers.
I’m sure someone would be kind enough to help you.
Or post a screenshot, so we know what you mean. Posting a link to the course also helps.
If you have solved your issue yourself, please, let us know how; the answer can help others with the same question. Thank you!
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Hi, I’m new here and ‘is it time?’ in French Level 1 Grammarbot is bothering me too!
I’ve tried lots of combinations and I don’t know what I’m missing
The correct answer is est-ce qu’il est temps. You need a verb in there.