It would help if you could add the creator of the course. On one side I may know why you are facing this problem on the other side I can’t be sure if I am looking at the right creator because there are several Tae Kim course.
Given it says SGJL, it was my course. No idea how that error popped up 15 days ago or how it’s related to the changes I made recently. Has anyone else reported similar, as I haven’t kept up with the forums here.
When I saw that the course was from Nukemarine, and read the post that Nukemarine had changed the title, I thought that might be the case. And the user just needed to do some kind of update.
But as Nukemarine clarified that the title was changed a few days ago, and haidampk78 noticed the problem 15 days ago, it is more likely to be a coincidence.
I searched for previous posts, and encountered the same problem with the user sxh967, in another course, 6 days ago: