I used to be able to listen to the local saying their bit several times (which I found very helpful) but the replay button doesn’t seem to work anymore. Am using the ap on an iPad.
I think this is a bug, not particularly a problem with the course. Plus, if it has “Learning with locals”, it must be a memrise course and not a Decks community course.
@alanh, @Olaf.Rabbachin, @DW7, @Milamy
What do you think? Wouldn’t this post be better in iOS bugs?
I agree with you that it would be better to classify as iOS bug.
I also checked the learning list, and he is learning Portuguese (European), the official courses by Memrise.
It’s moved (I think!), I am just learning my way around these new functions I can use!
I’ve just noticed that this post is a year old, but it came up as new today!
No not a year old I just posted it today! And yes it is a Memrise course
I got confused! There was a pop-up saying that the last time you had posted was a year ago, and I got it all mixed up
Anyway, I hope it is OK that this is in iOS bugs now, because that seems a better place for your post.
I have just tried it with Spanish 1 on iPad. The replay button works ok when you are first shown the word or phrase so that you can replay the video as many times as you like but, when you are being tested on that word or phrase afterwards, although the replay button shows, it is not active and you have to give your answer to move on.
I’m not sure if that is intentional or a bug. Hopefully, one of the Memrise team will let us know.