Learning streak reset after reducing goal

I’d briefly upped the goal on a course to 6000 pts a day, but after a few days realised I wouldn’t be able to maintain it, so changed it back down to 1500 pts minutes a day. But in doing so it reset the count back to 0, which considering it was at nearly 50 and I hadn’t gone a single day without doing at least the required 1500 pts makes no sense at all. If anything, changing the goal UP to 6000 pts is what should set the streak to 0 (but actually I don’t think the streak length should be reset at all by changing your goal - even if you turn off the goal but continue to do 1500 pts a day, then turn it back on it makes sense that your streak length is maintained. Streak length should only be reset if at the end of a day you’ve done less points than the goal is at that point. But actually I’d do it by keeping a record of the # of pts scored each day, then calculating the streak length dynamically depending on whatever goal you set. That way you could show things like maximum streak length at various levels, maximum pts ever achieved on a day, graphs to show how consistent you’ve been etc. etc.)

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Same here: I had already completed my daily goal, turned off the daily goal option and then turned it on again. My streak disappeared and my then daily progress went back to zero.

It’s still an issue up to date.