The learning statistics chart seems to be operating in a different time zone then what I have set. For example it shows that in the prior day I only had several learning events when there where many many more. It seems it counted it as the day before yesterday.
Thanks for the extra details. I’ve raised this to the web team who will investigate further (internal code QA-787) - however unfortunately I don’t have a timeframe for the fix right now.
Thanks for your patience and do let us know if you have any other information that could help us get to the bottom of this faster!
This bug has been going on since forever. Web and app are counting your statistics in different time zones. I don’t know how it exactly works, but for instance, because of this bug app says my best streak is X, while web says it’s Y. If you would fix it, please, notify users in advance, some may lose their precious streaks.
Why does this bug still exist? I know I reported it at least a few years ago. This bug has always peeved me, as once again today I have a higher streak in a course than I do in my general streak for Memrise. Yesterday, according to the general clock, I did no work, but still according to the counters in my courses I have done so! Yes, it is silly to care about the streaks, but when it is your means of motivation it is disheartening to see.
There is also no way to fix it or apply for it to be fixed either by the users. @MemriseSupport, would it not make sense to at least provide us with some way to individually fix this oversight if you do not plan on actually taking the time to make a universal fix?