how do you expect me to learn this language without any background information.
Am i missing something here. how can you start firing questions without any explanation ?
please advise…
Advise that if you want anyone to know what you mean, you should mention (and preferably link) the course(s) to which you refer.
Suggest you locate the relevant course(s) forum and post in there, if applicable; even if there isn’t a course forum, computer science related posts probably belong with the rest of the science/math stuff, where it’s more likely to be noticed by people who might have an answer.
Also suggest, on the little information I have, that this unknown course(s) is probably meant as a revision tool, rather than to learn from scratch. You can hardly learn php from flashcards alone, though if you already know another related language you could surely get the general gist.
Please see 1, 2 and 3, my friend… : D
Learn PHP
](Learn PHP - by deactivated user - Memrise)An easy way to learn the PHP language online for free. Learn PHP Syntax, Variables & Data Types; PHP Strings, Constants & Operators; PHP Loops, Functions & much more through this very simple course. Thanks to Mem creators, Contributors &users
You learn programming languages by programming.
Wouldn’t expect to learn how to play the piano out of a book. Suggest OP consider better ways to learn than revision cards.
Also, though that course is not well set out, all explanations are contained within, far as I can see at a glance. Not good course, but not baseless. Almost certainly meant as revision tool, despite potentially misleading description.
edit: Huh… weird. System automatically removed quoted the exact moment I posted and then listed that removal as a personal ‘edit’… Sorry, was I being too derivative, lol?